Yankee Candle’s wide array of scented candles has gone too far…

Just when we thought Yankee Candle had exhausted all possible scents they have taken a smell that quite frequently pops up in our lives no matter where it’s from. It could be while visiting a public bathroom or perhaps as you breath in deeply standing next to a cornfield during crop fertilization.

Have they gone too far? Definitely not. Who wouldn’t be curious about how these candle’s smell and the amount of damage they can do in a room.

Let’s see what other creative concepts to burn your nostrils by other photoshoppers.

Or maybe these are real flavors? If they are let me know where I can get them. Something I would want for Valentine’s Day.

Yankee Candle Tennis Ball Can

Let me smell ‘Tennis Ball Can’ right now

Yankee Candle Man Town

‘Man Town’ better smell like magic mike and not some Asshole watching sports channel.

Yankee Candle Bacon and Movie Night

Ok well this..is just wonderful.

Yankee Candle Child Tears

‘Child Tears’ just what I wanted.

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